Friday, 2 November 2012

Halloween Disney Pumpkin

Although initially I completely forgot about buying and carving a pumpkin for Halloween, I was given a pumpkin this year. It was actually grown by a relative's friend, which I found quite impressive as while it wasn't not a huge pumpkin, it was still sizable. Based on this for a few minutes I considered trying to cook the pumpkin, as surely this would be a better use for an organic, home-grown pumpkin...and then I decided to carve into it.

Me and Lucy worked on this equally and we decided to go for a Disney castle logo on it as this seemed initially quite simple, a good size for our pumpkin and something a bit different. And so it began...

The pumpkin

Lucy drew the castle design onto the pumpkin.

Then I thought about doing something with the lid of the pumpkin, instead of leaving it a circle. So, the lid then changed into a Mickey Mouse symbol.

This was surprising easy to cut out with the use of a craft knife and after scooping the insides out, it was ready to cut the design out. This proved harder to do though as the lines of the castle were quite close together, so the structure of it soon became too weak and lines started to droop. In the end I had to make do with just scratching out sections instead of cutting them fully out. The end results still looked good though (at least in the dark).

I've worked with clay and painted on glass and plaster and I can honestly say that for me pumpkins are definitely the most difficult material to work with. They just seem so prone to collapsing, so I have a lot of respect for anyone that carves pumpkins.